CEMS for Incoming Students
A warm welcome to Bocconi University!
Here below the Bocconi CEMS team contacts and all the relevant information to approach at the best your CEMS experience in Bocconi.
Enjoy your CEMS semester with us!
STEP 1 – Get ready for your experience at Bocconi, following the instructions Bocconi will send you via e-mail apply online to Bocconi University;
STEP 2 – if you are coming from extra-EU countries, this guided procedure will help you understanding if you need to apply for a VISA based on your nationality, country of residence, reasons for your visit and length of stay. If needed, extra-EU students have to complete a 2-step application:
— mandatory pre-registration on the Universitaly portal by 30 November. We recommend that you start the procedure after downloading the Bocconi Acceptance Letter.
— apply for the study VISA: due to the global situation some Consulates’ procedures might have shifted and vary from Consulate to Consulate. Therefore, you should follow the instructions provided on the website of the Consulate where you are going to apply. Once in Italy, all extra-EU students will have to obtain the Permit of Stay (in Italian: Permesso di Soggiorno).
Further info available at the Student Visas dedicated webpage.
STEP 3 – Check if the social security scheme of your country of residence insures you against the cost of medical treatment in Italy and how to proper cover you.
STEP 4 – Housing needed? In order to apply for accomodation at Bocconi, you will be informed about a dedicated housing application. For private housing: students are responsible for securing their own accommodation.
STEP 5 – AY 2023/2024 CEMS Educational Offer is now available at the link mentioned below.
Start exploring the Bocconi Campus here!
Cemsies are required to pass CEMS Courses accounting for 45 ECTS credits in courses in the MIM year. To complete an academic CEMS term 1, you must successfully pass a minimum of 24 ECTS credits in Block Seminar, Global Strategy Course, CEMS Courses and Skill Seminar during the term.
CEMS TERM 1 — Study Plan
Activity |
Time Period |
Block Seminar |
3 ECTS |
CEMS Block Seminars from 2 to 4 September 2024.
Details on topics, syllabus, registration, location, social events and weekend activities will be announced in the next months, in a timely manner. |
CEMS Courses |
Global Strategy (mandatory) |
8 ECTS |
CEMS Courses |
6 ECTS/course |
Skill Seminar |
2 ECTS (in the MIM year) |
During the semester |
Languages |
0 ECTS |
During the semester |
1) Block seminar: the kick-off activity of the MIM year. It takes place at the beginning of Term 1, generally in the School where the student will spend Term 1. Subjects derive from different cultural and academic perspectives; many topics are not a part of the universities’ standard curricula. For Block Seminars the ECTS “A to F” grading scale is used.
2) CEMS Courses: Global Strategy + CEMS Courses. During Term 1, you need to successfully complete 1 mandatory CEMS Course in the field of Global Strategy (8 ECTS) + min. 1 course during the Bocconi term (Bocconi courses are generally worth 6 ECTS).
Exams can be either oral or written and need to be taken during the official exam sessions. Registration for the exam must be carried out by 4 working days prior to the exam date, through the yoU@B agenda.
Exam dates and registration deadlines are here, please consider that different exams may be scheduled on the same day. Exam classrooms are posted on the yoU@B usually one working day before the day of the exam. For CEMS Courses the ECTS “A to F” grading scale is used.
IMPORTANT! Exams awarded a passing grade cannot be re-sat, while failed exams can be taken again in the next available session.
3) Skill Seminar: in addition to the Career Forum and the Regional Events, skill seminars are offered by Bocconi University in close cooperation with companies.
The Career Forum is the headline corporate recruitment event of the CEMS year, it offers a rare opportunity to be able to get in contact with recruitment experts from 30+ multinational companies and maybe even take the first crucial step towards full employment by a CEMS Corporate Partner. During the Regional Events, every year, student clubs offer an event to their fellow students and corporate partners in their region that focuses on a particular business topic and includes company presentations, case studies, skill seminars, networking and in some cases, company interviews. Check the APAC Week, Dach Forum, Marenostrum, Nordic Forum and V4 Conference dedicated webpages, that will be updated as soon as information are available. Bocconi organizes skill seminars jointly with CEMS Corporate Partners, with Bocconi Partner Companies.
Find out the Bocconi skill seminars offer from the previous years, in order to have an idea on number and topic of skill seminars at Bocconi. You will receive timely reminder from your CEMS Corporate Relations Manager to let you know about seminars organized. To participate, check the skills seminar offer through your yoU@B agenda > click on International Programs > CEMS Calendar and register, according to specific deadlines.
4) Languages
— First foreign language: English
— Any Second foreign language
— Any Third foreign language
For further info on the Languages, check the CEMS Language Graduation Requirements and at Bocconi, for guidance on language courses, exit certificates for CEMS, feedback on language exams, contact Prof. Bianca Maria San Pietro, CEMS Language Coordinator. Please, find all her reference at the bottom of the page.
Cemsies are required to pass CEMS Courses accounting for 45 ECTS credits in courses in the MIM year. To complete an academic CEMS term 2, you must successfully pass a minimum of 24 ECTS credits in Global Citizenship Seminar, Global Leadership, CEMS Courses, Business Project and Skill Seminar during the term.
CEMS TERM 2 — Study Plan
Activity |
Time Period |
Global Citizenship Seminar |
1 ECTS |
Friday 14 and Saturday 15 February 2025 in presence only |
CEMS Courses |
Global Leadership (mandatory) |
6 ECTS |
CEMS Courses |
6 ECTS/course |
Business Project |
15 ECTS |
March — End of May/Beginning of June |
Skill Seminar |
2 ECTS (in the MIM year) |
During the semester |
Languages |
0 ECTS |
During the semester |
1) Global Citizenship Seminar: two-day courses at the beginning of term 2, with representatives of Corporate and/or Social Partners and Professors.
2) CEMS Courses: Global Leadership + CEMS Courses. During Term 2, you need to successfully complete 1 mandatory CEMS Course in the field of Global Leadership (6 ECTS) + min. 1 course during the Bocconi term (Bocconi courses are generally worth 6 ECTS).
Exams can be either oral or written and need to be taken during the official exam sessions. Registration for the exam must be carried out by 4 working days prior to the exam date, through the yoU@B agenda.
Exam dates and registration deadlines are here, please consider that different exams may be scheduled on the same day. Exam classrooms are posted on the yoU@B usually one working day before the day of the exam. For CEMS Courses the ECTS “A to F” grading scale is used.
IMPORTANT! Exams awarded a passing grade cannot be re-sat, while failed exams can be taken again in the next available session.
3) Business Project: withing the CEMS Curriculum, Business Projects are designed as a real-life learning experience for students. International student teams, comparable to mini-consultancy teams, solve a real-life business problem supervised by both a corporate and academic coach.
The CEMS Business Project is expected to represent 50% of each student's workload (15 ECTS) during the Spring Semester and the ECTS “A to F” grading scale is used.
At the beginning of the Spring semester you will receive all the relevant information about the BP preferences and timeline.
Students are authorized to complete the CEMS exchange period by the beginning of June. However, CEMS students are required not to leave Milan before the mandatory final presentation of the Business Project.
4) Skill Seminar: in addition to the Career Forum and the Regional Events, skill seminars are offered by Bocconi University in close cooperation with companies.
The Career Forum is the headline corporate recruitment event of the CEMS year, it offers a rare opportunity to be able to get in contact with recruitment experts from 30+ multinational companies and maybe even take the first crucial step towards full employment by a CEMS Corporate Partner. During the Regional Events, every year, student clubs offer an event to their fellow students and corporate partners in their region that focuses on a particular business topic and includes company presentations, case studies, skill seminars, networking and in some cases, company interviews. Check the APAC Week, Dach Forum, Marenostrum, Nordic Forum and V4 Conference dedicated webpages, that will be updated as soon as information are available. Bocconi organizes skill seminars jointly with CEMS Corporate Partners, with Bocconi Partner Companies.
Find out the Bocconi skill seminars offer from the previous years, in order to have an idea on number and topic of skill seminars at Bocconi. You will receive timely reminder from your CEMS Corporate Relations Manager to let you know about seminars organized. To participate, check the skills seminar offer through your yoU@B diary > click on International Programs > CEMS Calendar and register, according to specific deadlines.
5) Languages
— First foreign language: English
— Any Second foreign language
— Any Third foreign language
For further info on the Languages, check the CEMS Language Graduation Requirements and at Bocconi, for guidance on language courses, exit certificates for CEMS, feedback on language exams, contact Prof. Bianca Maria San Pietro, CEMS Language Coordinator. Please, find all her reference at the bottom of the page.
The internship can take place at any time during the graduate period of studies, but not overlapping with Term 1 and Term 2 academic activities.
Visit regularly both the CEMS portal, Jobteaser and Bocconi Career Services, where you may find internship and jobs ads, but also career events.
Once you find an internship, please register your experience on cems.org to let approve the experience by your CEMS Corporate Relations Manager (contacts are at the bottom of the page).
Check the CEMS Internship Guideline and refer to the guide with all the steps to follow to register your International Internship. Please, note that, if your internship meets both CEMS and IM requirements, you can recognise the same internship for both programs.
Prof. Irene Dagnino, CEMS Academic Director
Email: irene.dagnino@unibocconi.it
Office location:
Via Roentgen 1, 4th Floor, Room C2-05
Eleonora Cois, Program Manager
Email: cems@unibocconi.it
Phone: +39.02.5836.2474
Assistance to CEMS students with CEMS general program curriculum
Michela Gobbo, CEMS Corporate Relations Manager
Email: cems@unibocconi.it
Phone: +39.02.5836.5710
Assistance to CEMS students with Internships, Skill Seminars, activities with Corporate Partners, Business Projects.
Prof. Elisa Turra, CEMS Language Coordinator
Email: elisa.turra@unibocconi.it
Assistance to CEMS students CEMS languages.