Quality Assurance
Bocconi University is committed to ensuring and continuously improving the quality in all the activities that contribute to the pursuit and fulfillment of its Mission. For this purpose, the University has implemented a comprehensive system of rules, mechanisms and procedures. These act to guide the actions and behavior of all members of Bocconi community including those with academic and administrative responsibilities toward the aim of achieving its institutional objectives. Emphasis is placed on maintaining high-quality processes and outcomes while also meeting the needs of key stakeholders, with a primary focus on students.
The Quality Assurance System is ensured by the following:
1.Central Governance bodies: University Board, Rector, Managing Director, Planning and Liaison Committee, QA Committee, University Evaluation Unit;
2.Teaching bodies and facilities: Schools, Degree Programs, Student-Faculty Joint Teaching Committees (CPDSs), Teaching Evaluation Committee (CERVD).
3.Research bodies and structures;
4.Third Mission- Social Impact bodies and structures.
The Quality Assurance System at Bocconi has been assessed by ANVUR - Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, (following an on-site visit by an External Commission of Experts). As a result of this assessment, the Ministry of Education (MUR) granted the accreditation until 2022, which was subsequently extended until the next accreditation visit, scheduled for April 2025.
B-Quality is the quality portal created by the University Quality Assurance Committee and accessible to the entire Bocconi community (faculty, students, and staff). The platform provides information on QA stakeholders and processes, offering a valuable resource of materials, regulations, guidelines, and training activities.