JobGate: internship and job posting


JobGate is Bocconi University's job portal available to employers for posting internship and job offers, managing applications, and accessing the University's graduate database (CVBook).

JobGate is also the tool to start internship agreements with selected students and graduates: for info related to this topic, please check the web pages dedicated to internship documents.

2023 wrapped

Active companies in JobGate posting offers or hosting internships
Internship and job opportunities in Italy or abroad, posted in JobGate

Discover more

To access JobGate, recruiters need to register at:
During registration, employers need to upload in the system standard information (company name, website, registered and operative office, company contact), as well as a company presentation and a certificate of incorporation (if available).
At the end of registration, the recruiter will receive the credentials via email: a contact, either by phone or email, from a Bocconi Account - Employer Relationship Manager, is required to unblock the password and is aimed at sharing the general understanding of the system's functioning, the advertisement publication methods, and the company's recruitment needs. 
To use this service, the employer must accept the General Conditions that regulate the portal.

To access JobGate, recruiters must enter their credentials at:
Passwords are strictly personal and cannot be transferred to third parties. All company contacts needing access to the portal can register by clicking on "Registration of a new contact" to obtain their credentials.

Employers can publish both internship and placement offers.
Internship announcements can be dedicated to:

  • Current students (curricular internships)
  • Graduates up to 12 months after graduation (extracurricular internships). 

For more information on the employer's role and responsibilities in the internship relationship (tutor, internship modality, educational project, etc.), you can visit the pages dedicated to activating and managing internships.
Job announcements can be dedicated to:

  • Junior profiles (positions requiring up to 3 years of experience)
  • Senior profiles (positions requiring more than 3 years of experience).

The use of JobGate is free, and companies can post as much offers as they wish. The only exception is for Head Hunting Agencies, which can publish job offers for themselves and for client companies only, and internship offers for themselves only: in both cases, the limit is 12 offers per year (maximum of 2 offers simultaneously).

The CVBook Directory is the online database of CVs of Bocconi University graduates. The access is from the JobGate portal, and employers can use filters to sort results according to objective criterias.

The DAL Service- Disabilities and Work supports companies in identifying and hiring Bocconi students and graduates belonging to Protected Categories. In particular, the service offers the possibility of posting dedicated internship and job offers on JobGate and notifies candidates with the specific requirements.

Additionally, Bocconi University has joined C.A.L.D. (Coordinamento Atenei Lombardi per la Disabilità) with the aim of undertaking joint initiatives with Lombard universities to sustain the employment of students and graduates with disabilities.
