Third Mission


A key element of the mission of our University that is open to the world is to transfer the knowhow developed within its first two missions (teaching and research) to external stakeholders, with the aim of generating a significant social, cultural and economic impact at a local, national and global level.

Given Bocconi's strong roots in its area of ​​reference and the strong relationship with the stakeholders who populate it, the transfer of knowledge is not intended as a unilateral act, but rather as a process of dialogue, collaboration and mutual contamination, with businesses, international organizations, public administrations, third sector bodies and individuals.

Throughout its history, the University has pursued this objective through a variety of activities and projects, which can be traced back to the three main areas in which the Third Mission and Social Impact (TMSI) activities* are divided:

  • Teaching & Education
  • Research & Innovation
  • Governance & Operations 

Organization of Activities

The coordination of Third Mission activities is assigned to the Dean for Academic Strategy and Institutional Affairs, Prof. Myriam Mariani, who coordinates and presides over the activities relating to the 'Third Mission' of the University, in particular relations with the community and the third sector.

Operational responsibilities are assigned to the heads of each administrative unit who, in their areas of competence, supervise the implementation of the activities.

In order to guarantee the coordination of all the activities developed by the university in the various areas of the TMSI, the TMSI Activities Support and Coordination Committee was established on 11.29.2023, with the task of monitoring and mapping the TMSI activities, update and examine information and data collected, in order to define activities and objectives in line with the Bocconi University Strategic Plan and evaluate the quality of Research limited to Third Mission activities.


Main Third Mission and Social Impact Activities 

Continuous and permanent training and innovation and dissemination of knowledge have historically played a central role in the Bocconi strategy as an integral part of teaching and research activities in the social sciences: in this sense, the three missions naturally tend to merge in order to guarantee progress and improve the quality of life within society.

The idea that teaching is not limited to university education alone, but accompanies people as they enter the workforce and for the rest of their professional development, has always been a fundamental piece of the training strategy adopted by the University. This vision has found its natural realization in activities that derive from what is indicated in the University's 2021-25 Strategic Plan. 


Specifically, we highlight:


Social Engagement

Bocconi University recognizes social engagement and responsibility as values that are integral to its institutional identity.

The Community and Social Engagement project provides all members of the University community – students, faculty and staff – with a number of ideas and suggestions on how to get involved, along with concrete opportunities for social engagement and volunteering.

The Bocconi Social Impact Recognition project was launched in the 2023-2024 academic year. It aims to strengthen students’ focus on social responsibility and enhance social engagement and volunteer activities. The project is an academic recognition offered to all students who carry out significant social impact activities and volunteering during their studies.


Employer Relation&Career Service


The Employer Relation&Career Service, formerly the Graduates Office, is dedicated to creating a network of partner companies and ongoing relationships with companies and institutions (at national and international levels) aimed at facilitating the entry of graduates into the labor market;


Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning has been an integral part of the training strategy since 1971, the year of birth of SDA Bocconi School of Management and the activation of the first Master in Business Administration (MBA). Since then, SDA Bocconi has gradually enriched its offer of Master programs, to which "catalogue" and custom courses have been added, with the aim of meeting the demand for executive training as completely as possible in its various segments and for different audiences;

Bocconi Alumni Community

The Bocconi Alumni Community (BAC) allows its over 140,000 members in 75 Chapters worldwide (Bachelor, Master of Science, Specialized Master and PhD graduates, and graduates of SDA programs and courses, who live and work in various countries around the world) to stay in touch with each other and with the Alma Mater; it organizes events and thematic seminars and offers multiple Career Advice services.


Bocconi for Innovation

Bocconi for Innovation (B4i) is Bocconi University's entrepreneurial hub that promotes and supports entrepreneurial skills through pre-acceleration and acceleration programs.

B4i is building an innovation platform by bringing together investors, alumni, mentors and relevant international stakeholders in order to promote the culture of entrepreneurship and support aspiring entrepreneurs through Bocconi's know-how, events and network.


Other Third Mission and Social Impact Activities 

The role taken on by the Egea Publishing House in the dissemination of knowledge is fundamental. Over the years, it has been modulated in line with the changes and trends affecting society.

Finally, the University pursues its third mission and social impact objectives through other activities and initiatives, listed below.