Dance Masterclass
"GuiDance" is a dance course open to the whole Bocconi community: students, faculty, and staff. Inclusiveness is the key word for us. That's why GuiDance is proud to be a judgement-free zone where students can discover the incredible art of Dance, on their own terms and time.
This course could be defined as a dance experience with a ballet flair. The course is open to all people with little to almost no dance training.
Marco Pelle, international choreographer, and resident choreographer of the New York Theatre Ballet, with Beatrice Carbone, soloist dancer at La Scala Theater in Milan, Italy, will take the students through a journey of fun learning and discovery.
The ballet-style warm up will be followed by combinations and choreographic phrases inspired by classical repertoire. Whereas ballet has been always confined to the theaters’ rehearsal studios, Beatrice and Marco designed exercises, routines, and choreography that give everybody the chance to not only approach the beautiful art of ballet without feeling inadequate or left out but to also build strength, stamina and a new understanding of their own body and sense of rythm.
- 19 - 26 February 2025
- 5 - 12 - 19 - 26 March 2025
- 9 - 16 April 2025
- 7 May 2025
- 14 May 2025: final recital
The course will be held in the Campus Life Area, in via Bocconi 12 at 6:15-8:15pm
GuiDance is a course whose classes are divided according to an AAA system:
1) Awakening
2) Alignment
3) Assertion
Awakening: a short but powerful warm-up session to awaken our bodies and feel in touch with our muscles and elasticity.
Alignment: that's the part we are all crazy about: THE BARRE! At the barre dancers find the right alignment and help their bodies before going to the center and dance
Assertion: the actual dancing part. Dancers assert themselves on the center by performing short choreographic phrases that enhance stamina, sense of rhythm and interpretation.
The AAA System was created by Marco Pelle and Beatrice Carbone to take the students through a dance class feeling like true ballet dancers!
The whole course “travels” through different music genres and eras: the 60s, the 80s, the 90s, the 2000s, musical, opera, movie soundtracks etc etc… That’s because inclusiveness is a language that belongs not only to people but also to artistic forms and expressions.
The same goes for the students attire: students are encouraged to come to class wearing something connected to a specific era they like, if they want to.
You can come in full attire or just wearing an accessory! Of course, if you don't have anything related to an era, or you don’t feel like wearing something specifically connected to an era, it's just as perfect! There is no dress code required except for what you are most comfortable in and, we suggest, socks!
GuiDance aims to be a fun journey: together we learn, we improve our musicality, our muscular tonus and we have fun. But most importantly: TOGETHER WE DANCE!!!!"
Participation fee: 50 €
Click on "Access as BOCCONI USER" > Campus Life > and select the product "Guidance"
A minimum number of participants is required to activate the course. Students can register simply by paying the registration fee. Faculty and staff should first check availability by writing an email to
Marco Pelle

In collaboration with La Scala soloist dancer Beatrice Carbone.
Marco Pelle is an internationally renowned choreographer. Recipient of the 2016 Primi Dieci USA Award as one of the ten most influential Italians in the USA, Mr. Pelle began his dance training in his Italy, continued in Monaco before moving to New York City to study with Merce Cunningham. He’s been one of New York Theatre Ballet’s resident choreographers since 2012. In 2013 Mr. Pelle also collaborated with great ballerina Alessandra Ferri on her comeback show "The Piano Upstairs". As an Opera choreographer he has worked extensively in the US and abroad. In Beijing, China, he has choreographed a total of four productions. In 2013 he choreographed "Passage", starring Mr. Bolle and Mrs. Semionova, a short movie directed by Fabrizio Ferri, with music by Fabrizio Ferri which opened Venice Film Festival. After many successful experiences in the US, in 2020, ballet star Roberto Bolle premiered Marco Pelle’s “LXIV” on the Italian national tv in his extremely successful tv show “Danza con Me”. In 2022, Mr. Pelle created two new projects sponsored by the Italian Culture Institute in New York and the italian Cultural Institute in Washington, DC, titled “AbunDance” and “Statuesque”. In 2022 he’s also directed and choreographed Javier Rodriguez’ opera “Frida” at Michigan Opera Theater.
More info abuot Pelle's carreer and projects available in the interview conducted by Tg2 and part of the program "Tg2 Storie — I racconti della settimana"; you can find the interview on Raiplay (press).