Written examination HSK6 (C2) and Oral examination HSKK Advanced Level C

It is possible to register these certifications in the study plan as additional exam (4 credits in addition to 180/120/300 credits)"

The written examination and oral examination correspond to two independent certifications provided separately.
The final score is calculated as follows: 3/4 written part mark out of thirties + 1/4 oral part mark out of thirties (the result is rounded up for decimal places ≥ 0,5).
The certification level registered in the study plan is the same level of the written examination (HSK).

Certification Body: Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters


written exam HSK6 C2

Grade out of thirty
293-300 30 Lode
284-292 30
275-283 29
266-274 28
258-265 27
249-257 26
240-248 25
232-239 24
223-231 23
214-222 22
206-213 21
197-205 20
188-196 19
180-187 18

Score oral

exam HSKK Advanced

Grade out of thirty
98-100 30 Lode
95-97 30
92-94 29
89-91 28
86-88 27
83-85 26
80-82 25
77-79 24
74-76 23
71-73 22
68-70 21
65-67 20
62-64 19
60-61 18