Foreign languages are classified as follows:
1. “Curricular” languages (UE languages):
- such languages are usually registered in the academic career as first/second language; cpu are included in the standard 180 /120 /300 cpu of the study plan (please find in the Guide to the University detailed information about how to choose curricular languages, minimum exit levels and teaching services);
- moreover, they can be registered in the academic career as “extra activities” (4 cpu); cpu are recorded on top of standard 180/120/300 cpu of the study plan.
2. “Extra” languages:
- such languages can be registered in the academic career as “extra activities” only (4 cpu); therefore cpu are recorded on top of standard 180 /120 /300 cpu of the study plan.
English, Italian, French, Spanish and German are “curricular” languages.
Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Portoguese are “extra” languages.
International certifications must be achieved and submitted for conversion by the study plan completion date relating to the selected Graduation session or, in any case, by the deadlines set to submit applications for the selected activities.
We remind that it is not possible to request the recognition of an international certificate if the curricular exam of the same language has been recorded in the academic career. Only for MSc Programs, it is not possible even if the written exam has been passed with a sufficient grade, until the end of the exam session, which ends after the oral exam and the grade recording.
When the result score of the International Certifying Agency is expressed to decimal places, the result is rounded up when the decimal place is equal to or higher than 5.
For curricular languages, an international certification whose level/typology (general, business, legal) is equal to the minimum level/typology required can be registered in student's academic career.
Furthermore, an international certification whose level/typology (general, business, legal) is higher than the minimum required can be registered in place of the minimum level/typology required (i.e. when the minimum level/typology required is B1 general, then a B1 business or B2 business or higher level/typology is allowed; when the minimum level/typology required is B1 business, then a B2 general or B2 business or higher level/typology is allowed).
Please note that the level/typology recorded in the academic curriculum is the level/typology stated by the Certifying Agency on the international certification.
Overlap between adjacent levels is allowed solely when the Certifying Agency explicitly provides for overlapping levels (for example: C1 scores recognizable as B2 scores and viceversa).