The selection process of the In-Company Training Program is articulated in two main steps:

The students’ dossier is formed by the evaluation of:

  • GPA
  • Internships experiences both in Italy and abroad (score from 0 to 1 point)
  • Study Abroad experiences (score from 0 to 2 points)
  • Personal and extracurricular experiences abroad (score from 0 to 1 point)
  • Motivation letter (score from 0 to 5 points)

Please note that, given your GPA, the score you can obtain after the students’ dossier evaluation lays in a range from 0 to 9 points.

After the evaluation of the students' dossier, and in compliance with the requirements set forth for each In-Company Training Program, the Career Service Office will rank as eligible the most suitable applicants.

Please be aware that the second step of the selection process could be both a one to one or video interview.

Please note that the video interviews will be evaluated only and just once passed the first step of the selection process.


The interview is part of the official selection process and it will focus on:

  • Motivation and interest in each In-Company Training Program content  (score form 0 to 5 points)
  • Communication and relational skills (score from 0 to 2,5 points)
  • Proficiency in the foreign working language required for the Program (score from 0 to 2,5 points)

Please note that the score you can obtain after the video/one-to-one interview lays in a range from 0 to 10 points.


The Final Overall ranking will be the sum of the score given to the students’ dossier evaluation and the score given to the video/one-to-one interview evaluation. In case, after the interview,  the candidate would not be considered as suitable for the Program, he/she will not be selected, regardless his/her academic performance.

See in the section Upcoming Events the requirements for each In-Company Training Program.

The results of the selection will be published in the Restricted Area of this site.

A waiting list with a final ranking of students will be also provided.

Students that have already taken part in the In-Company Training can apply more than once; nevertheless, during the selection process, priority will be given to those students who have not participated yet.