CIVICA Bachelor Engage Track

The CIVICA Engage Track is developed within the framework of the CIVICA alliance. Selected by the European Commission as one of the European Universities under Erasmus+, CIVICA brings together 10 leading European higher education institutions in the social sciences.

The Engage Track is a multi-campus interdisciplinary bachelor experience with a focus on civic engagement, fostered through CIVICA Engage courses, hands-on interaction with community-based organizations, and by sharing experience and reflections with peers from all over Europe. 
By combining academic study and social commitment, selected students can explore and respond to societal challenges and value-laden topics such as responsibility and sustainability.

Bocconi, LSE, Sciences Po, SSE, CEU, IE University, SGH and SNSPA are the universities offering the CIVICA Engage Track.

Academic Director of the CIVICA Engage Track at Bocconi: Professor Italo Colantone

CIVICA Engage Track Requirements for Bocconi Students:

What? Engage Courses foster students engagement with external partners and feature a project component addressing European Challenges and/or relevant themes for the local community.

When? During
3rd year of classes for all Bachelor programs except for BIEM, WBB, BIG and
BESS students.
This requirement is lifted for BIEM, WBB, BIG and BESS students provided the
following courses are passed in the previous Academic Year:

  • 30056 - EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY for BIEM and WBB students
    EUROPEAN UNION for BIG students
    MARKETS for BESS students

How? By selecting one of the Engage Courses (mandatory or electives) in the 3rd year study plan. The list is available here.


    What? One-week immersion programme focusing on civic engagement, organized once per academic year at one participating university. The program includes academic content as well as active engagement with local organizations through field projects and cultural/social activities.

    When? Ideally in the summer between 2nd and 3rd year or classes*.

    *The 2024 edition will take place between 25 and 28 June 2024 and will be hosted (both online and in presence) at The London School of Economics (London, UK). 
    For additional info on the 2024 European Week, eligibility, application and selection process see here.


    What? Engage courses foster students engagement with external partners and feature a project component addressing European Challenges and/or relevant themes for the local community.

    When? Bocconi students selected for an exchange semester at a CIVICA Institution may attend an Engage course offered by the host school during their semester abroad.

    How? Engage courses availability and participation requirements are defined by partner Institutions; Bocconi students selected for the Exchange Program in the abovementioned destinations, will receive additional information via email on Engage Courses availability and application process as soon as all the details are defined by the host Institution.

    To get a preliminary idea of courses offered within the Engage Track by each partner Institution, please refer to the list available for AY 23/24 on (access with your Bocconi credentials, click on “Course Catalogue” and then filter the results using the menu on the right).

What? The Showcase assignment challenges students to reflect analytically on their experiences on the CIVICA Engage Track and to present a critical evaluation of the stakes and solutions for a European challenge.

When? During 3rd year of classes, after completing previous requirements.

How? Under the guidance of a dedicated tutor (in distance). Additional info and practical arrangements are available here