Study support activities

If you would like to acquire or develop your personal skills, which are particularly useful for managing your university career, you can participate in one of the dedicated workshops.

2nd semester

28 February at 6-7pm in the Campus Life Space (in English)

Anxiety: From Enemy to Ally

As another exam session is nearing, for many students anxiety levels are rising.

But what is anxiety? What can we do when we feel it's taking over our ability to manage our daily lives?

Anxiety is an emotion, often seen as something negative, when in reality it can help us stay focused, solve problems, and motivate us to take action. However, when one experiences an excess of anxiety, it can lead to feelings of overwhelm and extreme stress.

So, what can we do? How can we better manage it?

Together we will learn about how to recognize the signs and how to develop tools to manage anxiety more effectively. We will discuss how to make friends with your anxiety and see it as an ally in achieving your personal and academic goals.

How to participate: Register in yoU@B Student Diary by 27 February.

1st semester

11 and 18 September, at 6pm

Campus Life Space, via Bocconi 12

"Tips and info for a good start" is a two-day structured workshop dedicated to freshers in bachelor's and law programs, organized by Campus Life - Counseling, Self-Empowerment & Wellbeing.


In order to have a good start to your university experience, it's critical to have certain practical information and tools that will help you get organized academically in an efficient and focused way, enhance your study methods, and assist you in the development of rewarding interpersonal relationships.

In our workshop, that is made up of two meetings, we will address these topics to help you begin this new chapter on a positive note, and with new ideas to reflect upon. We will also focus on the topics of adaptation and adjustment, not only from an academic standpoint, but also a cultural one.

Students will also have the opportunity to listen to student ambassadors who will share their own experience.

This workshop is particularly addressed to students who have attended a secondary school abroad or an international school (in Italy or abroad). Students who have attended an Italian secondary school in Italy are invited to attend the workshop held in Italian.

In collaboration with the team of counselors from Campus Life — Counseling, Self-Empowerment & Wellbeing

How and when to register: Registrations open on 29 August and required through yoU@B (various activities widget). This opportunity is dedicated to freshers.

Learning Differences at Bocconi University: support for Bocconi students with specific learning disorders.

Visit the dedicated webpage to learn more!

The workshop in Italian will be held on 12 and 19 October. Further information are available here.

Further information on the workshop in English will be made available soon.

The workshop in Italian will be held on 5 December. Further information are available here.

Further information on the workshop in English will be made available soon.

A Learning Needs Help Desk is active throughout the year in order to support students with specific learning disorders. Visit the dedicated webpage to learn more!