Innovative Teaching Methods
Bocconi has a long tradition as a qualified teaching university: interaction between professors and students is enhanced through the use of cutting-edge technology to improve the student learning experience.
Our flat classrooms are well-equipped to facilitate group work, business case discussions and simulations, while our interactive multimedia and mobile platform provides useful tools for teaching and e-learning.
In addition, case studies, lectures with guest speakers and seminars are organized with one goal in mind: to provide students with a solid education in the context of an enriching university experience.
The status that Bocconi enjoys and the success of our graduates around the world attest to our ability to bring this goal to fruition.

Bachelor Program Structure
While each Bachelor has its own unique focus, all programs are based on courses that will provide you with a strong background in management, economics, finance, law, data science and quantitative subjects.
In addition, the curriculum also includes soft skills seminars and other opportunities for students to expand their horizons.
- Compulsory courses
Study core subjects for a solid theoretical mindset, required throughout all 3 years of the program - IT skills
Specific courses for developing effective digital tools and computer programming (such as Python) - First foreign language
English or another EU language (French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish)
- Specialization courses
More in-depth knowledge of the main topics related to your program - Second foreign language
Chosen from among French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish - Soft skills
Seminars on critical thinking, leadership, public speaking and teamwork
- Elective courses
A second level of personalization of your study plan, with a number of electives from a list of available courses - Internship (optional)
One of the last elective courses can be replaced with an internship experience in a firm or organization in Italy and abroad (you can also do this during the summer between the second and third year) - Exchange program (optional)
A chance to spend a semester at a partner university abroad - Final report
This project allows you to demonstrate your research skills and your ability to write an original paper on a specific topic. It is generally the last step before graduation, and students work for a month or two to produce a high quality report
La struttura didattica della laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza
Anche lo studio del diritto in Bocconi fa ampiamente ricorso a strumenti interattivi e prevede discussioni di casi, redazione di documenti legali, simulazioni, analisi di casi giuridici con professionisti di studi legali e, più in generale, varie occasioni di formazione “sul campo”, tra cui lo stage.
Il primo anno di corso è focalizzato sullo studio delle basi del diritto pubblico e privato, ma inizierai anche a conoscere alcune discipline economiche, come l’economia politica e i metodi di analisi quantitativa e sosterrai l’esame di inglese. Nel secondo anno allo studio giuridico delle imprese si affianca l’analisi del regime legale delle imposte, si approfondisce la prospettiva evolutiva dell’ordinamento con due corsi di carattere storico e sono introdotte alcune discipline aziendalistiche, per comprendere il funzionamento di un’impresa e alcuni tra i suoi strumenti di controllo. Si completa infine lo studio dell’inglese con l’inglese giuridico
Al terzo anno continuerai lo studio di alcune materie giuridiche fondamentali quali diritto del lavoro e diritto processuale civile; il diritto penale viene trattato sia sotto l’aspetto sostanziale sia sotto quello processuale; un’attenzione particolare è dedicata alla dimensione internazionale con lo studio di una seconda lingua straniera e un corso dedicato al diritto dell’Unione Europea
Dal quarto anno potrai specializzarti in:
- Litigation and Arbitration relativo a materie e problemi che riguardano l’attività giudiziale (difesa e rappresentanza in giudizio) e stragiudiziale (consulenze periodiche, stesura di pareri, arbitrati, redazione di contratti complessi ecc.)
- Business Lawyers relativo ai temi del diritto dell’impresa privata, con particolare riferimento alle regole che governano i contratti internazionali, le società, le banche e le assicurazioni, le operazioni di finanza straordinaria e i mercati
- Regulation and policy making, focalizzato sulle discipline giuridiche internazionali e pubblicistiche legate al funzionamento di istituzioni pubbliche nazionali e degli organismi internazionali e sovranazionali
Inoltre, nel corso degli ultimi due anni potrai partecipare a legal clinic, moot courts, stage, esperienze formative all’estero e seminari per l’apprendimento di specifiche
Class Groups
On average, class groups are made up of around 100 students. Later in the program, courses become more and more interactive with group work, research and presentations assigned periodically. This gives students the opportunity to have a direct relationship with the faculty and classmates in the program.
Course and Lecture Schedule
Lectures are generally held either in the morning or in the afternoon, allowing time for individual study and group projects during the rest of the day. Attendance is not compulsory but it is strongly advised: active participation is the best way to learn, network with peers and stay in touch with professors and their experience.
Each academic year is divided into two terms (the fall semester, from September to January, and the spring semester, from February to June). Courses last one semester and exams are generally divided into two parts (with mid-term exams): this helps students keep up with their studies.
After Graduation
All Bocconi Bachelor programs will prepare you to apply to the graduate programs offered by the University. You could also attend a program at another university in Italy or abroad, or enter the workforce right away. The choice is yours!
One year after graduation, 95.8% of graduates are employed, with an average job placement time of only 3 weeks (graduates from the 2020-2021 academic year).