Fees and Financial Aid

Tuition fees are a total of €16,000.

For more information about methods of payment, see this link.

Fees must be paid in 4 instalments as follows:

  • I instalment: € 2,500 upon enrolment (this sum is not refundable if, after having completed the registration to the program, students decide not to attend the program anymore). Please be aware that while settling the I instalment you will be asked to pay an extra €32 as Italian tax on fees.
  • II instalment:  € 3,900 - October 2025
  • III instalment: € 6,400 - December 2025 
  • IV instalment: € 3,200 - March 2026



A range of loans are available to help you finance your LLM EBSL. You can benefit from special agreements between Università Bocconi and some banks, which offer students the possibility to ask for a loan at advantageous conditions.

Find out more about getting a loan at www.unibocconi.eu/specializedmasterloans.



The LLM makes available, on the basis of merit criteria, up to n. 5 partial fee reductions in favor of candidates for the LLM in European Business and Social Law (EBSL) who possess an excellent academic profile.

Please consult the linked document for further information on the fee reductions at this link.

Decisions on fee reductions are taken by the EBSL Admissions Committee and are unappealable.

Should you wish to be considered for a fee reduction, you can mention this in your motivation letter.

Please, consider that the fee reduction will not cover your living expenses in Milan. The amount of the fee reduction is variable and the first fee instalment is mandatory to complete the enrollment.



Some students may be engaged in remunerated fixed time research assistantships for Faculty at the Law School. This occurs at discretion of the faculty members and is a one-off fixed term agreement.