Study Plan

The program is made up of courses which can be divided into the following areas: analysis and statistics, economics, and social sciences.
Starting in the second semester of the first year, students personalize their curriculum through electives, which may include Graduate School electives, PhD-level courses and in-depth studies.

Please consider the following rules (for students enrolled in their first year starting in 2023-2024) while choosing the 7 elective courses:

  • at least 1 from list A) Core
  • at least 1 from list B) Field
  • at least 1 from list C) Topics and Other Social Sciences and Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
  • at least 1 from lists A) Core + B)  Field + C.1) Topics
  • 3 other electives, which may include Graduate School electives, PhD-level courses and in-depth studies

The educational offer for elective courses is subject to change

list A) Core:

  • Advanced Microeconomics
  • Advanced Macroeconomics
  • Microeconometrics
  • Macroeconometrics

list B) Field:

  • Development Economics
  • Game Theory: Analysis of Strategic Thinking
  • Empirical Industrial Organization and Market Design
  • International Trade and Globalization
  • Labour Economics
  • Monetary Policy
  • Political Economics - Advanced
  • Public Economics
  • Innovation and Economic Growth
  • International Macroeconomics and Finance

list C) Topics and Other Social Sciences and Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
C1. Topics

  • Economic Analysis of Crime
  • Economics of European Integration
  • Energy Policy and Sustainability
  • Economics of Digital Markets
  • Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation
  • Principles of Finance
  • Welfare and Politics

C2. Other Social Sciences and Mathematical and Quantitative Methods

  • Comparative Politics: Institutions and Institutional Development
  • Globalization, Divergence, and Inequality in Historical Perspective
  • History, Institutions and Crises of the Financial Global System
  • Population Dynamics and Economics
  • Politics of Conflict
  • Bayesian Statistical Methods
  • Decision Theory and Human Behavior
  • Time Series Analysis of Economic and Financial Data

Please note that the program structure is subject to change.

The study plan requires two European Union languages.
More specifically:
1st language, English

  • for all students (regardless of their native language)
  • the main aim is to foster the development of professional skills

2nd language:

  • Italian for non-Italian native speakers
  • French, Spanish, German for Italian native speakers

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To search and get more information on the content of the various courses, browse the description of courses taught in 2023-2024.