Selection process

Test day: practical information

What to bring on the test day

The day of the test, candidates are required to bring with him/her a print of the test day summary available on My Application and a valid ID (official Identity Card, Passport or Driving License).
In the absence of identification, the candidate will NOT be eligible to participate in the test.
We advise to bring a watch with you, since mobiles are not admitted and classrooms are not equipped with wall clocks. Smartwatches are not allowed.

Taking the test

Candidates mark their answers on an optical sheet according to the instructions on the back of the sheet, which will also be summarized by classroom monitors.
In any case, it is not possible to mark any answers after the test time has elapsed. Therefore it is recommended to go one question at the time and immediately enter the answer on the optical sheet.
In order to minimize the chance of copying from other candidates, all the tests are different from one another (in fact, either the questions and all the available answers are placed in different order).

Organization of the trip and duration of the selection test
The Bocconi test has a duration of maximum 100 minutes. Please consider also the time necessary to take the 35 minutes English knowledge test after the Bocconi selection test, when required.

When booking any flights / return trains, please calculate plenty of extra time (the whole process generally lasts at least 4 hours).