15% Reduction on tuition for siblings attending Bocconi programs and the children of Bocconi and Egea employees

The financial aid — Key information

15% reduction applied to siblings attending Bocconi programs and to the children of Bocconi/Egea employees. The reduction will be applied to the 2nd installment.  

Students can benefit from further fee reductions through percentage reductions or evaluation of a special family situation.

In case of simultaneous enrollment in the same academic year (brothers / sisters / spouses must be formally enrolled in the same academic year) it is possible to benefit of a 15% reduction in university tuition due.

The 15% reductions cannot be combined each other and with other discounts offered by Bocconi University (with the exception of the “Fees relief target application”). In case of brothers, sisters and spouses, if one of the enrolled students is fully or partially exempt from the payment of university tuition and fees, the other student is not entitled to make use of the 15% reduction on his/her tuition.

The provisions below are official publication of the regulation a.y. 2022-2023 for the benefit of "15% Reduction on tuition" for students enrolled in the first year or enrolled in a year following the first of a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Law program in the academic year 2022-2023.

1. Profiles.

1.1 Brothers, sisters, spouses attending Bocconi programs

Families with more than one child or married couples simultaneous enrolled in the same a.y., attending any of the Bocconi University Bachelor of Science programs, Law program, the four-year degree programs, or the Master of Science programs during the same academic year will receive a 15% reduction on tuition.

1.2 Children of Bocconi and Egea employees

Children who are financial dependents of Bocconi University and Egea employees (non-teaching staff with permanent contracts, tenured faculty members, faculty members with tenure track, lecturers) will receive a 15% reduction on tuition.

2. Deadlines and procedure

In order to submit the "15% reduction" application, students will have to proceed as follows:

"Application of reduction od 15% of tuition" a.y. 2022-23
Link to the online application 
from 3 to 16 october 2022

Please note that students who have already obtained the benefit in previous academic years 
are NOT requested to submit a new application for 2022-2023 a.y.

1. Access the online application* through the link available on this webpage during the application period.
Please note that you will be able to access the application only after having completed the enrollment.

2. Fill in all the information required in the online procedure.

3. Upload the application form within the "Application for reduction of 15% of tuition" in My Application by the deadline.

This form is available within the online procedure and must be downloaded, printed and duly completed. "Identity cards" are also required.

4. Finalize the procedure by clicking on "Complete data" and "Submit application" within the final deadline.

Applications submitted after the deadline and/or in different modalities will not be evaluated for the assignment of the benefit. For further information about the online procedure, please click on "Technical information".

After having completed the online procedure

5. Periodically verify the "Notifications" area on MyApplication, during the application evaluation period.

In fact, all possible communications concerning the application will be sent there by the Fees, Funding and Housing office.

* The request must be submitted no later than the deadline, exclusively by one of the brothers / sisters / spouses who are simultaneousenrolledin the same academic year.

After having verified the information required and the application form, the reduction will be applied to the 2nd installment.

The reduction is effective from the first year for which it is requested.

The reduction is automatically renewed for the entire legal duration of the study program.

Therefore, in case of enrollment in academic years subsequent to the first, the application must not be resubmitted, even in case of enrollment in a new degree program (transition from a Bachelor to a Master of Science program) by one of the beneficiaries of the reduction.

The benefit assigned for the academic year 2022-2023 will be included in the student's financial situation, which can be viewed at the Punto Blu (> administrative area> Fees, Funding and Housing) ONLY after the Fees, Funding and Housing Office has verified that the student is regularly enrolled in the first year or regularly enrolled in the year following the first to a.y. 2022-2023.

For this reason, students who in the academic year 2022-2023 will be "enrolled with reserve"(or have enrollment subject to reserve) will not be able to view in the system the benefit assigned for the academic year 2022-2023.

The assignment of the 15% reduction will be revoked in the following cases:

> acceptance, in any year of course, of a different benefit of an amount equal or greater than the benefit assigned by Bocconi University (15% reduction); in this regard it is specified that in the event that the student should subsequently lose this new benefit, the 15% reduction can be restored.

Fee reductions cannot be combined with other reductions or exemptions offered by Bocconi University (with the exception of the “Fees relief target application”).

Cases in which students have met the requirements for more than one fee reduction or exemption, will result in assignment of the optimal financial aid.

> verifications carried out by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office reveal false documentation and declarations made by the student: the revocation shall take effect starting from the moment in which the illecit behavior took place and shall entail the full payment (at the ordinary fees target) of due tuition and fees, starting from the academic year in which the student benefited from the reduction following the false documentation and/or declarations (articles 71 and 75 of Italian D.P.R. 445/2000);

> failure to simultaneous registration to the same academic year (e.g: withdrawal from the studies or transfer to another university, etc.).

If one of the brothers / sisters / spouses enrolled in the 1st year Fuori corso (with enrollment in the year after the deadline set for the 15% reduction application) due to failure to graduate by last graduation session available as regular student), it will be necessary to contact the Fees, Funding and Housing Office through the help & contact procedure.