• Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis - Instructor: Giulio Abbate

    The main objective of this course is develop participants' skills in understanding, analyzing and interpreting financial statements. Consistently, the course intends to provide participants with the basic terminology of financial accounting and with the methodology by which financial statements may be analyzed to extract information useful in making financial decisions or assessments about a company.

  • Derivatives - Instructor: Davide Maspero

    The course will analyze the market characteristics, use and valuation issues of every major type of derivative contract, with particular attention for options contracts. Though the relevant theroretical framework will be analyzed thoroughly, the emphasis of the course is practical: students will be required to solve assignments and to familiarize with excel applications of the concepts illustrated in the course.

  • Econometrics - Instructors: Massimo Guidolin, Manuela Pedio 

    The course is an introduction to Econometrics, with applications. The topics of the course are the Linear Regression Model, its specification (and the assumptions that are needed), estimation, testing and use. All topics are presented in theory and in practice: for each topic relevant applications in Eviews and R are presented in class. 

  • Fixed Income - Instructor: Giuliano Iannotta

    The course offers an introduction to fixed-income markets and instruments. Attention will be devoted to analysis of risk and return of fixed-income securities, construction and analysis of yield curve and term structure of interest rates, fixed-income portfolio management, fixed-income derivatives.

  • Investments - Instructor: Barbara Alemanni

    This course is aimed at providing an introduction to investment management. The first part of the course, more theoretical,is devoted to the analysis of investment environment and its functions and to the main theory underlying the investment management activity. The second part of the course, more operational, refers to the asset allocation and to the securities selection activities performed by investment managers.

  • Mathematical Models for Finance - Instructor: Elisa Tacconi

    This course is intended to provide participants with the fundamental tools for the quantitative analysis of financial markets. In particular, we will thoroughly analyze the theoretical background for no-arbitrage pricing and study the basic features of derivative securities, both in one period and in multi-period settings. We will approach these topics through the lens of discrete-time models, such as the Binomial Model. 

  • Probability and Stochastic Calculus - Instructors: Francesco Rotondi, Marina Santacroce

    Probability theory and stochastic calculus play a fundamental role in financial modelling and in modern risk analysis. The aim of this course is to provide in a mathematically rigorous and, at the same time, intuitive way, the basic notions needed for mathematical modelling in Finance.