Costs and Scholarships

Students who pass both selection steps (1 and 2) and who are admitted to the program will have to confirm their participation in the
Double Degree with Peking by paying to Bocconi an Administrative Contribution
of 2.000 Euros (towards end of January of the second year of BIEM)
. The contribution will not be returned even if the student does not complete the Double Degree program. Admitted students will pay the regular tuition fees for the three years of the Bocconi BSc in International Economics and Management.

For the two years in Beijing, the Peking University Belt & Road Institute will offer merit-based full scholarships to all selected students that will include:

  • Guanghua’s tuition fees for two academic years
  • Accommodation in Beijing
  • Living stipend

Before departure to Beijing, Peking University will request to Bocconi admitted students to read and agree to Peking guidelines on its academic rules, the conditions in order to receive the Peking scholarship as well as the financial penalties in case of withdrawal from the Double Degree program.

For any further information on the two years at Peking, the scholarship and Peking academic rules, students should contact Peking University directly by sending an email to