Program Structure
Courses serve two functions. One important objective is to consolidate and develop the basic knowledge needed for operating in the field of accounting, corporate finance, planning and management control and auditing at a high professional level. The other key purpose is to provide competencies essential for scanning and interpreting the social and economic environment. The 24 credits of elective courses — which may include PhD-level courses — have the aim of specialization and are selected by the student either freely or within one major.
First Semester
Main topics:
- Financial Markets
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Reporting and Management
- Data Analysis
Students learn the institutional context and the business environment where financial information is produced and how to interpret and use financial information for reporting and management.
Second Semester
Main topics:
- Macroeconomic and Legal Issues
- Valuation
- Performance Measurement and Control Systems
Students understand the macroeconomic and legal environment and learn how to value assets and liabilities, to set targets and report performance in a way that fosters learning from experience, enables redirecting ineffective behaviours and supports the generation of stakeholder trust.
- Financial Reporting, Planning and Control
- Corporate Finance and Financial Management
- Financial Accounting and Data Analytics
- Auditing
Free Track
Study Abroad Programs
- Double Degrees with:
HSG University of St. Gallen (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
RSM Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Lisbon, Portugal)
Universität Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany)
Grenoble Ecole de Management (Grenoble, Francia)
- Exchange Programs
Internship (compulsory)
Foreign languages (two languages)
Enhancing Experience - Curricular Supplementary