Necessary documents

In order to apply in 2021 for mobility contributions, the following documentation will be required:

  • Attestazione
    issued in 2021 for benefits for the Right to University Education with indication of the student applicant’s fiscal code;
  • Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) conncted to the abovementioned Attestazione ISEE;
  • Financial statement (pdf provided by Bocconi university and available online), if there are entrepreneurial, individual or corporate business activities at 31/12/2019, with or without financial statement requirements. The financial statements form must be submitted for each individual or corporate company and must be completed, signed and approved by the professional who manages the company’s accounting. The amount indicated in the financial statement must be correctly declared also in the DSU ("altre forme di
    patrimonio mobiliare

Online you will be required to indicate:

  • Date of issuance of ISEE Certificate;
  • Protocol number of ISEE Certificate;
  • ISEEU Parificato issued in 2021 by the CSF partnered with Bocconi
    University. You will soon find further details on how to obtain
    this document. In the online application you will be required to
    indicate the date
    of issuance of the ISEEU parificato.
  • Financial statement (pdf
    provided by Bocconi university and available online),
    if there are entrepreneurial, individual or corporate business
    at 31/12/2019, with or without financial statement requirements.
    financial statement must be submitted for each individual or
    company and must be completed, signed and approved by the
    professional who
    manages the company’s accounting. The financial statement must be
    submitted to CSF at the moment of request of the ISEEU parificato and
    the related amount will need to be taken into consideration in the ISEEU
  • Declaration of Absence of Sole Proprietorship or Business Activities (pdf provided by Bocconi university and available online) in case of absence of sole proprietorship or business activities of the nuclear family as of 31/12/2019.