Giorgio Sacerdoti
Emeritus Professor of International law
Department of Legal Studies
Via Roentgen, 1 – 20136 Milan - Italy

Born March 2nd, 1943. Law Graduate cum laude, University of Milan (1965). Master of Comparative Law, Columbia Law School, New York (1967). Admitted to the Bar (Milan, 1969, and Supreme Court of Italy, 1978).
Senior Professor since 1st November 2013. Emeritus since 2016. Formerly tenured professor of International Law and European Law (Jean Monnet Chair since 2004) at Bocconi University (1994-2013). Formerly professor at the Universities of Milan, Bergamo, Urbino and Bari.
International fellow, Aspen Institute. Visiting professor at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, University of Paris and in universities in various countries. Course holder at the Academy of International Law of The Hague (1994). Former Coordinator of the Bocconi PhD program in International Law and Economics. Member of the Board of editors of the Italian Yearbook of International law and of the Editorial Advisory Board of the J. of World Investiment & Trade. ICSID (World Bank) Roster of arbitrators.
Formerly vice-president of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (1995-2001). Member of the Appellate Body of the WTO 2001-2009 (Chairman 2006/2007). F. Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute (2012). President of CDEC Foundation (Jewish contemporary documentation centre), Milan, since 2004. Member of the Italian Consultative Commission on Religious Freedom, (since 2000).
Public international law. Conflicts of law. European law. International trade. Foreign investment and dispute settlement. International contracts and commercial arbitration. Protection of religious freedom.
- Il diritto delle Comunità europee nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano, 1967;
- I contratti tra Stati e stranieri nel diritto internazionale, 1972; Diritto internazionale dell'economia (con P. Picone), 1982 (ristampe 1983 e 1986);
- Liberalization of Services and Intellectual Property in the Uruguay Round of GATT, Fribourg, 1991;
- La Convenzione di Roma sulla legge applicabile ai contratti internazionali, (con M. Frigo), 1993;
- Regionalismo economico e sistema globale degli scambi (con S. Alessandrini), 1994;
- Diritto e Istituzioni della Nuova Europa, 1995;
- La liberalizzazione multilaterale dei servizi (con G. Venturini), 1997;
- "The WTO Appellate Review", in Int. Trade and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, 1997;
- Bilateral Treaties and Multilateral Investments on Investment Protection, Hague Academy, vol. 269, 1998;
- La Carta europea dei diritti fondamentali, prolusione Università Bocconi, 2000, Riv.dir.pubbl. comp eur. 2000 e Columbia J. European Law, 2002;
- Il commercio elettronico, profili giuridici e fiscali internazionali (con G. Marino), Milano, EGEA, 2001; Illicit Payments and Foreign Investments, Unctad 2001;
- Responsabilità d'impresa e strumenti internazionali anticorruzione - Dalla Convenzione OCSE 1997 al Decreto 231/2001, Milano, EGEA, 2003;
- Investment Arbitration under ICSID and UNCITRAL Rules, in ICSID Rev., 2004;
- The WTO at Ten - The Contribution of the Dispute Settlement System, Cambridge Un. Press 2006 (Editor);
- WTO Law and the Fragmentation of International Law, in The WTO Law at Ten, Juris Publishing, 2008;
- The Proliferation of BITs: Conflict of Treaties, Proceedings and Awards, in Appeal Mechanisms in Int. Investment Disputes, Oxford Un. Press, 2008;
- Corruption in Investment Transaction: Policy Initiatives, Legal Principles and Arbitral Practice, in ICSID Rev., 2009 ;
- Precedent in the Settlement of International Economic Disputes: the WTO and the Investment Arbitration Models, in Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2010, 2011;
- New International Economic Order, M. Planck Encyclopedia of Public Int. Law on line, 2011;
- Nascita, affermazione e scomparsa del Nuovo ordine economico internazionale: un bilancio trent'anni dopo, in Problemi e prospettive del diritto internazionale dell'economia, Liber Amicorum P. Picone, Editoriale Scientifica 2011;
- BIT Protections and Economic Crises, ICSID Review 2013; General Interests of Host States in International Investment Law (General Editor), Cambridge Un. Press 2014;
- Investment Protection and Sustainable Development: Key Issues, in Shifting Paradigms in International Investment Law (S. Hindelang & M. Krajewski eds.), Oxford 2016, pp..19-40;
- The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Consolidating Success and Confronting New Challenges, in Assessing the World Trade Organization (M. Elsig, B. Hoekman, J. Pauwelyn eds.), Cambridge 2017;
- The United Kingdom’s Post-Brexit Trade Regime with the EU and the Rest of the World: Perspectives and Constraints, J. Int. Economic L., 20, 2018;
- The Authority of « Precedent » in International Adjudication: the Contentious Case of the WTO Appellate Body’s Practice, in The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2020;
- The Challenge of Countering Politicization of Trade Relations and Revitalizing the Multilateral Rule-Based System, Editorial, J. World Investment & Trade (JWIT), 2021;
- Diritto ed ebraismo. Italia, Europa, Israele. Sessanta anni di interventi e battaglie civili, Il Mulino 2021.