Guide to Enrollment
In order to complete the enrollment application you are required to access My Application using your credential (User ID number and password) and:
- Fill in all the data sections and click on “Submit data”
- Download, fill in and sign all the documents available in the Print Area
- Upload all the compulsory documents (if a document is composed of more pages you will need to create a unique pdf. file or zip folder) and click on “Submit application”
The first installment – advance payment is a compulsory step to confirm your place at Bocconi, even if you have been assigned with a Scholarship.
All the details about the payment procedure are available in the related section. In this section, it is possible to print a MAV bank form that can be used for the payment. Please be aware that the payment confirmation at the end of the MAV generation procedure only refers to the MAV document, it is not a payment confirmation.
On the MAV form is available a 17 numbers identification code (“Codice identificativo MAV”). This code identifies both the student and the payment.
Payments with the MAV code can be made through any bank in Italy, online through an Italian home banking, or through the "Scrigno Pago Facile" service ( ).
Alternatively, students with foreign residences can make the advance payment of the first installment through a foreign bank transfer, with no charge for Bocconi University. Bocconi bank details are available in the section “First installment - advance payment”.
Once the payment is done, the receipt must be uploaded within the enrollment deadline.
In order to upload your signature, you will need to frame just the box that contains it, with no need to include neither the barcode nor any other information in the page.
We invite you to pay attention to the choice of your mother tongue (please choice your actual native language based on your passport) during the enrollment phase, based on your choice, the assignment of foreign languages will change.
For further information, check the Guides to the University, paragraph 3.1.
You won't be able to change the native language after the enrollment.
Do not forget to upload a valid English language requirement by the set deadline. We invite you to check online the complete list of all the requirements considered valid and the minimum score required. The requirements and their scores vary based on the Program you are admitted to, whether taught in English or Italian.
You need to fill in this section stating whether you already obtained a Diploma or not. Once you obtain your Diploma, you will need to state your final grade and then save the section.
The enrollment application is successfully submitted if the toolbar on the top right of the page becomes green. Additionally, it will be possible to download an official Letter as a confirmation of your enrollment (“Confirmation letter”, available in the Print area). You are not supposed to receive any email confirming your enrollment.
Subsequently, all the documents uploaded will be checked and each student will be notified: please access My Application frequently in order to check whether there are messages for you.
Should you need clarification about the validity of the uploaded documents (e.g. English Language requisite, Diploma, etc.), do not hesitate to get in touch.