A.Y. 2025-26
Students must pay the entire amount of academic tuition and fees to Bocconi University, on the basis of the deadlines and methods defined by the Fees Funding and Housing Office.
The amounts relating to academic tuition and fees do not include any additional necessary or ancillary fees such as, for example, the graduation fee, payment for participation in special programs, payment for certificates for which you are kindly requested to refer to the dedicated website pages.
Tuition and fees are due in their full amount from first year of enrollment and for each academic year of enrollment.
Throughout the entire legal duration of the degree program, the amounts due for the registration fee and contributions for tuition will be adjusted regarding inflation and any other updates.
The pages of Bocconi website and B in Touch are an official publication of the regulation of academic tuition and fees related to BSc, Master of Arts in law, double program HEC-Bocconi and WBB (World Bachelor in Business)..
For students enrolled to first a.y. in 2025-26 in a Bsc or law program, deadlines for the payment of academic tuition and fees are the same for all.
Installment |
A.Y. 2025-26 |
1st installment - Advance |
Strictly linked to their enrollment session |
1st installment - Adjustment |
15/10/2025 |
2nd installment |
30/01/2026 |
3rd installment |
30/04/2026 |
For students enrolled in years subsequent the first, the deadlines for paying installments of tuition and fees are the same for all students and follow the table indicated below, which may be updated from year to year.
An exception is made for students enrolled in the WBB (World Bachelor in Business) program whose first installment - advance will be due by the end of June and for students enrolled in the Double program Hec - Bocconi whose total amount of tuition and fees due to Bocconi will be divided into two installments and whose deadlines will follow the same scheme indicated below (please check 1st installment - advance and 1st installment - adjustment).
Installment |
Years subsequent the first |
1st installment - Advance |
Linked to enrollment in the academic year (approximately by 20/25 August of each year) |
1st installment - Adjustment |
December 2 |
2nd installment |
January 31 |
3rd installment |
April 30 |
It is advisable to read the pages relating to "Payment deadlines for years subsequent to the first" published on the dedicated pages of the site and/or on BiT and updated in detail for each academic year.
For 2025-26 a.y., for students enrolled to their first year in a Bachelor of Science or Law programme, tuition and fees at Bocconi are set at € 16,700 per year.
If you are need further information for Hec-Bocconi double program in Data, Society and Organization visit this webpage , while for the WBB (World Bachelor in Business) you can find more information here.
Throughout the entire legal duration of the degree program, the amounts due for the registration fee and contributions for tuition will be adjusted regarding inflation and any other updates.
Benefit | Amount |
20% Partial tuition waiver | € 13.360 |
40% Partial tuition waiver | € 10.020 |
60% Partial tuition waiver | € 6.680 |
60% Partial tuition waiver | € 3.340 |
The amounts of tuition and fees are divided into installments:
- With reference to the first year of the course a.y. 2025/2026 please visit this webpage. The amounts relating to the financial situation of each students enrolled to first academic year will be published in their You@B diary in the "Financial situation - Payments" section approximately by the end of September 2025. The student finds a red dot next to the amounts due and still not paid, which turns green after the payment has been registered in the system (more information in the "Payment methods" area).
With reference to years subsequent to the first, please consult the relevant pages which will be published on B inTouch approximately starting from the month of June. The amounts relating to the financial situation of the student for the year following the first will also be published in his You@B diary in the "Financial situation - Payments" section approximately at the beginning of November of each academic year.
The student finds a red dot next to the amounts due and still unpaid, which turns green after the payment has been registered in the system (more information in the "Payment methods" area).
Payments of tuition and fees can be made online by accessing the "Financial situation - Payments" section in the student's You@B diary.
The amounts are specified for each single instalment.
The student finds a red dot next to the amounts due and still unpaid, which turns green after the payment has been registered in the University's administrative system.
The payment of University fees can be made with PagoPa online system.
By clicking on the “Payment code” and then selecting “PagoPA button” you will be redirected to the online platform to complete the transaction by credit card, bank account or other payment methods (e.g. Paypal).
It is strongly recommended to use this payment method, since the PagoPa online system is able to process the transaction within a few minutes, thus significantly reducing system registration times. By using Pago PA in the "Financial situation - Payments" section, the sticker corresponding to the payment code will update in a few minutes from red to green, thus quickly guaranteeing the success of the operation.
As alternative payment method, after clicking on the “Payment code”, clicking on the “Print MAV” bottom it will be possible to use the MAV printed online or the MAV code for the payment through www.scrignopagofacile.it or through your online bank in Italy.
The automatic registration of the payment in the university administrative system, will be confirmed by changing the color by red to green, in correspondence with the payment code, usually vary from 3 to 5 working days.
It is specified that exclusively for extra sepa payments (other than euros), it will also be possible to finalize the transaction through the Convera payment tool.
This method will be selectable inside the financial situation – payments section within the Punto Blu, once you click on the specific payment code connected to the installment for which you intend to proceed.
It is specified that the automatic registration of the payment, through the change of color from red to green, will normally take place within 5 working days.
In order not to incur penalties for late payment, it is advisable to finalize the transaction in advance of the expiry date.
If you need more details on how to make the payment, you can consult our guide available on B in touch.
Failure to pay one or more amounts (adjustment or installment) within the established deadlines has different effects depending on the type of missing payment and the year of enrollment:
Missed payments for students enrolled in years subsequent to the first;
Consequences in case of late payment in relation to the established deadlines.
With the exception of the adjustment of the first installment required for first year students, which cannot be paid late and failure to pay which will result in the cancellation of enrolment, failure to pay all the other installments (second and third of the first year and each installment of the year following the first, therefore also late enrollment in the academic year following the first) may result in the application of a penalty of €100.00 for each payment made late.
The penalty fine will be charged and therefore visible in your financial position only the day after the date of registration of the late payment.
In the event of payments made late, it is therefore necessary to recheck the "Financial situation - Payments" section in the yoU@B diary to view and proceed with the payment of the penalty.
Students who receive a disciplinary sanction as:
- Temporary ban from one or more courses;
- Exclusion from one or more exams for one or more exam periods
are required to pay the total amount of academic tuition and fees due, according to the official payment deadlines defined by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.
Students who receive a disciplinary sanction as:
- Temporary suspension from the University and loss of exam periods (not more than three years)
are required to pay the total amount of tuition and fees for the academic year in which the decision is made, based on the official payment deadlines defined by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.
In case of disciplinary sanctions that may have a duration of over a year, at the time of the end of the sanction and the consequent re-enrollment in a specific academic year, will apply the regulation defined for re-enrollment after an interruption of their studies for the years of non-enrollment
The specific rules on the revocation of each individual benefits apply to students who are recipients of economic benefits.
Students enrolled in the 2025-2026 a.y. who intend to graduate are required to pay, in addition to academic tuition and fees, a graduation fee equal to:
215 euros for Bachelor of Science programs;
365 euros for Integrated Master of Arts and Master of Science programs
Starting from the last year of Bachelor of Science/Master of Science programs, the payment related to the graduation fee is also available at Punto Blu. If the fee payment increases between payment and the date of graduation, no extra charge will be made.
This payment should be made at least on month before the application to graduate, regardless of the dates of expiration. It is valid for all the graduation sessions held during the current academic year and for the following year. This is in the student's interest.
Applications to graduate (through "Punto Blu") will be accepted only if this payment is visible in the student's financial position.
Students who have paid the graduation fee and intend to transfer to another university or leave before ending their courses, may submit a reimbursement request.