
Academics from All Over the World Participated in the 23rd Annual Capital Markets Conference

, by Elisa Bazzani
The meeting was hosted by the Department of Accounting

On 20 and 21 May the Department of Accounting of Università Bocconi hosted the 23rd Annual Capital Markets Conference for the Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting – published by Wiley-Blackwell since 1974. This year's edition was an opportunity for academics to present their research papers with their peers from not only Europe and North America, but also from Australia, Africa, South America and Asia.

"Alongside long-established topics, such as corporate governance, companies' disclosures practices, transparency, bond financing and firm performance, new research subjects were also raised, including the influence of women and ethnic minority directors on firm value, stock recommendations for politically connected firms, and a study on regulatory constraints in Brazil and in other emerging economies" says Miles Gietzmann, who organized the conference.