Graduate Open Day

The next Graduate Open Days will be held from 30 September until 3 October 2024: this time a special format provides students the opportunity to attend the session of the program or programs they are interested in in a single time slot after daily classes during the week. Participants are invited to interact with our prestigious and international faculty as well as alumni and current students and get all the insights and clarifications needed to make the right choice.

All sessions will also be delivered online in live streaming.

Registration is required to participate online and on campus.

Choose how you want to attend (on campus or online).

You can change your selections at any time by accessing the event platform with the email and password entered during registration.

You will receive a confirmation email after registration. If you change your mind and would like to attend on campus, you can always change your registration - based on availability.

When you register for the event, remember to select the presentations and the activities you're interested in participating in. Access to presentation rooms is restricted to participants who have reserved that activity. Only some activities on the day of the event will be open to everyone.
After completing registration, you will receive your personalized program with a personal QR code to access all the activities at the email address indicated on the form.
You can change your selections at any time by accessing the event platform. On 10 February you can also use the platform to see your schedule, get your QR code and participate in the chat rooms.

Detailed Program of Activities

10am CET
Introduction to Bocconi and Graduate Programs
Francesco Billari, Rector
Carlo Salvato, Dean of the Graduate School
Paolo Cancelli, Director, Students Outreach & Support

11:15am CET
Admissions: Requirements and procedures for Italian applicants — dedicated to undergraduate students and graduates from other Italian universities, held in Italian)

Our MSc Programs 
Presentations and Q&As with Program Directors, students, alumni and alumnae

12:15pm CET

  • Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment
  • Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
  • Transformative Sustainability

1:30pm CET

  • Accounting, Financial Management and Control
  • Data Science and Business Analytics
  • Economic and Social Sciences
  • International Management

2:45pm CET

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Economia e legislazione per l'impresa
  • Finance
  • Politics and Policy Analysis

4pm CET

  • Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance
  • Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations
  • Marketing Management

On the day of the event, you will also be able to participate in a variety of other activities:
Campus Tours
From 11am to 4:30pm. Tours last 30-45 minutes and leave every 30 minutes. Reservation required.

Student Lounge
Bocconi students are available to answer all your questions from 11am to 5pm. Reservation not required.

— Short Panels on specific subjects that may be useful for choosing your future career and educational path will run throughout the day. Reservation not required.

Desks on services at Bocconi and Specialized Masters
Find out more about Career Services, Fees, Funding and Housing, Admissions, study abroad opportunities and much more, from 11am to 5pm. Come and ask your questions! Reservation not required.

10am CET
Introduction to Bocconi and Graduate Programs
Francesco Billari, Rector
Carlo Salvato, Dean of the Graduate School
Paolo Cancelli, Director, Students Outreach & Support

Our MSc Programs 
Presentations and Q&As with Program Directors, students, alumni and alumnae

12:15pm CET

  • Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment
  • Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology
  • Transformative Sustainability

1:30pm CET

  • Accounting, Financial Management and Control
  • Data Science and Business Analytics
  • Economic and Social Sciences
  • International Management

2:45pm CET

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Economia e legislazione per l'impresa
  • Finance
  • Politics and Policy Analysis

4pm CET

  • Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance
  • Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations
  • Marketing Management

Between 11am and 5pm CET
Chat with Bocconi Faculty, Students and Staff

  • Admissions; Fees, Funding and Housing
  • MSc Student Ambassadors
  • Specialized Masters

Until 8pm CET you can also:

  • Rewatch all MSc presentations after the live event
  • Take a virtual tour of the campus
  • Download our MSc Programs brochure and browse other useful resources

A Sustainable Bocconi

Bocconi's foundation in 1902 was based on a set of ethical and responsible core values that have guided it to a robust and lasting focus on sustainability issues. This commitment is fueled through teaching and research, to best prepare our students and contribute to scientific and social progress. Bocconi also undertakes direct initiatives in many areas, including energy efficiency, saving resources, reducing the use of materials such as paper and plastic, and recycling waste.

We therefore aim to reduce the impact of the event on campus in the following ways:

  • Less paper: Brochures and other materials will not be printed but rather available online or accessible through QR codes
  • Less plastic: Water dispensers are available on campus where you can fill your water bottle at no cost
  • Less pollution: We encourage you to come to campus using public transportation when possible.