Bocconi Equal Opportunities Committee (POB - Pari Opportunità Bocconi)

The Bocconi Equal Opportunities Committee (POB - Pari Opportunità Bocconi) develops and carries out actions aimed at ensuring and promoting equal opportunities for faculty and aims to sensitize the Bocconi community's awareness of the issue.

This occurs through actions in line with the dynamics of the regulatory setting (national and international) and the conceptual changes of equal opportunities, having the main purpose of overcoming all forms of discrimination, both direct and indirect, which stand in the way of equal opportunity in the Bocconi community.

The POB does the following:

  1. supports the monitoring of equal opportunity conditions for faculty
  2. collects and advances proposals from faculty for operational implementation
  3. encourages initiatives aimed at developing policies and recommendations for the university
  4. promotes research and analysis needed for creating environmental measures, able to create conditions of equality within the Bocconi community, including those at the basis of European or international projects and those in partnership with national and international organizations

The POB builds and maintains equality in the status and opportunities for women and equality among the faculty and the Bocconi community in a broader sense.

The POB promotes actions aimed at achieving equal opportunity for Bocconi faculty and creates a culture of equal opportunity within the Bocconi community.


The Bocconi Equal Opportunities Committee is participating in the project “The Pink Cloud, Science, Technology and Research: New opportunities for professional success for young women”. Female Bocconi students interested in participating in a two-day training program on 17-18 May in Florence and meeting companies available to offer job opportunities will be selected for the project.

For more information regarding the event and to learn more about the topic: