Undergraduate School
Bocconi University is internationally renowned as a point of reference in teaching and research in the fields of economics and business, as testified by the increasingly higher positions held in many of the best worldwide rankings. It offers international programs in the fields of economics, management, finance, data science, maths for AI, political science and law.
The Undergraduate School coordinates and supervises the three-year Bachelor of Science programs, and the World Bachelor in Business, a four-year Bachelor program developed in partnership with the Marshall School of Business (University of Southern California) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

The Dean has the objective of optimizing program and overall teaching quality, as well as encouraging a renovation of the educational programs offered.
The Dean also collaborates with the qualified administrative offices in defining:
- selection procedures for incoming students;
- placement procedures;
- guidelines for the communications, recruitment and promotion of the School's educational offer.
The following educational programs make up the Undergraduate School:
- Economia Aziendale e Management (CLEAM)
- Economia e Finanza (CLEF)
- Economia e Management per Arte, Cultura e Comunicazione – Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication (CLEACC)
- International Economics and Management (BIEM)
- International Economics and Finance (BIEF)
- Economic and Social Sciences (BESS)
- International Politics and Government (BIG)
- Economics, Management and Computer Science (BEMACS)
- Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence (BAI)
- World Bachelor in Business (WBB)
Role and duties
The following responsibilities are assigned to the Undergraduate School Council:
- to decide, within the limits established by the laws, regulations and this Statute, the management and organization of the teaching of the School's study programs
- to approve the teaching regulations of the School's study programs. The teaching regulations of the study programs, adopted in compliance with the level of study, specify the organizational aspects of the study programs
- to be constructive and informative in relation to the Academic Board.
According to article 24.1 of the Statute, the School Council is made up of the School Dean, who chairs the council, and by the Program Directors of the programs that are part of the School. Three student representatives will take part in School Council sessions, with participation limited to the subjects of major interest to them. Subjects in which students will take part in the School Council sessions will be identified through express instruction in the agenda and will decided by the Dean at the moment of the summoning of the university body.
Administrative heads of interested functions will participate in meetings, upon invitation by the Dean.
Dean Prof. Chiara Fumagalli
Program Directors
- Prof. Angelo Ditillo (Economia Aziendale e Management)
- Prof. Laura Zanetti (Economia e Finanza)
- Prof. Stefania Borghini (Economia e Management per Arte, Cultura e Comunicazione – Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication)
- Prof. Frederick Charles Williams (International Economics and Management)
- Prof. Paolo Colla (International Economics and Finance)
- Prof. Salvatore Nunnari (Economic and Social Sciences)
- Prof. Italo Colantone (International Politics and Government)
- Prof. Omiros Papaspiliopoulos (Economics, Management and Computer Science)
- Prof. Carlo Baldassi (Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence)
- Prof. Alessandra Casarico (World Bachelor in Business)
Student Representatives
- Giuseppe Bendicente
- Sara Mariarosa D'Apice
- Tommaso Belotti
Giulia Belloni
Academic Planning and Monitoring Unit
p.zza Sraffa, 11 Milano