
With Bocconi Meets the University Introduces Itself All Over the World

, by Benedetta Ciotto
An opportunity to present Bocconi and all its aspects abroad with the voices of professors, students and alumni. Next stop Lyon on 28 January

Munich, London, Istanbul, Zurich, Brussels, Paris and now Lyon, Frankfurt and Geneva. These are the past and future destinations of "Bocconi meets ...", a series of events, born in collaboration with SDA Bocconi and Bocconi Alumni Association, with the goal of promoting abroad the university and its courses. This is a first step aimed at creating a first contact to cultivate over time, an opportunity "not only for high school or university students, but also for parents, teachers, high schools and young professionals interested in an MBA or executive education", says Paolo Cancelli, head of students' division. Participants will learn about the Bocconian reality in all its aspects through the words of its professors, alumni and students. "The results are positive: the first date in Paris saw 120 participants, in Istanbul almost 170, even if it is not the quantity that counts for us", says Cancelli. Every date with Bocconi meets has its own focus on new and specific bachelor courses: the event organized in Brussels, for example, promotes and presents the Bachelor in International Politics and Government (BIG), launched in 2015. Thanks to this initiative Edward Goldstein, who lived his life in Paris with his Italian parents, decided to enroll to the BIG: "The possibility to talk to students or alumni makes a great difference because it makes the event more human", he says. "I have participated in two 'Bocconi meets...', the first in Paris, which allowed me to get close to Bocconi University, the second in Brussels, because I wanted to learn more about the course in International politics and government. And it was a decisive date, because then I applied. And I'll be present at the next Bocconi meets Brussels to tell about my experience".

The next and new date will be in Lyon on January 28, second French destination of "Bocconi meets ...": "Now that we have explored all the main hubs, we have decided to go deep into the local markets. That's why after Paris, we've introduced Lyon," says Cancelli. The event, to be held at the Cours des Loges' Hotel in rue du Boeuf starting from 6pm, will focus on the English bachelor in Economics and Management of Arts, Culture and Communication (CLEACC). During the event, professors and professionals will talk about the importance of France as a target market for Bocconi graduates, then emphasizing the skills required for a career in the arts, culture and communication field as well as in luxury management. Bocconi sees also a strong presence of French students, such as Benjamin Marquier, attending his third year of International Economics and Management (BIEM), who says: "Moving to Milan to study at Bocconi has been an opportunity to meet students from all over the world and to attend a course where internationalization and open-mindedness are fundamental. Let's say that if I could go back I would make the same choice".
Here the detailed program.