Before setting up an internship please remember the following:

The University, as the organization promoting the internship, is responsible for the quality of the internship experience that it designs together with the host company/institution and favors its full implementation. Specifically, the University:

  • through the university tutor, it maintains relations with the host company/institution and the trainee, monitors the progress of the internship, prepares the final report for the purpose of assessing skills;
  • is committed to providing accident insurance on the workplace and third party liability insurance for the entire duration of the internship;

  • monitors so that the following prohibitions are observed:
    -assign to the trainee activities that do not respect the objectives of the training project, or that foresee for most of the time generic and repetitive tasks in order to acquire elementary skills;
    -use the internship as a substitute for staff hired with fixed-term contracts for work peaks; staff on vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, layoffs; or to fill holidays in the workforce.

The host company/organization (public or private) is committed to assigning the trainee a company supervisor, who has full responsibility for the activities entrusted and carried out by the trainee under his supervision. Specifically, the supervisor has to:

  • guide the trainee;
  • inform him/her about company rules and culture;
  • favor his/her integration within the work group;
  • help the intern in acquiring the necessary skills, ensuring a favorable environment for carrying out the internship project;
  • evaluate, at the end of the experience, the quality of the work performed and the achievement of the training objectives in the form of acquired skills.

The trainee or intern:

  • carries out the activities included in the training project at the host company/institution premises, pursues its objectives in accordance with the indications provided by the tutors;
  • alongside an experienced and trained professional, he/she can strongly contribute to business activities by bringing his intellectual freshness and an innovative approach as added value;

  • must:
    -comply with hygienic, safety and health rules on the workplace;
    -maintain the necessary confidentiality regarding data, information or knowledge about production processes and products acquired during and after the internship.