End of the Internship

What needs to be done at the end of the internship?

At the end of the internship, the supervisor should complete the final evaluation form on JobGate and the Employer must issue to the intern a certificate that the internship has been completed on letterhead paper.                                                  

Are there suggestions for completing the end-of-internship evaluation form?

With the end-of-internship evaluation form, the supervisor will support the intern in reflecting upon and defining which technical, organizational and behavioral skills have been developed during the educational path. This is why it is useful for a supervisor to realistically evaluate, as objectively as possible, the activities completed by the intern with a critical and constructive sense and share it with the intern. The form should be completed in the section “My Internships”, box “Evaluation forms” and it will be visible to the intern.

Supervisors are required to complete an end-of-internship evaluation form for both curricular and non-curricular internships.