

The Student Union's Real Life Competition (SURL) is a well-established academic initiative under the American University in Cairo (AUC). It is no ordinary competition. This competition gives you the chance to contribute in solving real life challenges that intertwine between different societies all around the world.

This year the competition will be focusing, specifically, on finding ways to sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution, as well as address the impacts of ocean acidificatition.

Teams have to consist of four undergraduate students. There is no restriction with regards to gender, or class standing. However, there can only be a maximum of two students from the same major. Further, all students have to be enrolled in the same university.

Kindly visit the official website of the competition, for further information.

This is the final reminder for Institutional applications as the deadline is February 28th 2020.

For 2020’s edition, SBC is offering $125,500 CAD in several prizes to participating teams for their business development as well as to institutions for their social impact creation.

Students enter with a social mission idea and, over the course of 8 months, they will develop their idea into a real business with the dual objective of profitability and positive social impacts.

Institutions enter through their students' projects and proposals to create impacts.

Not only a global competition, Social Business Creation is a training platform that provides online courses as well as training in Montreal for students, professionals, educators, and program administrators.

The registration link for universities:

The Yonsei Journal of International Studies (YJIS) is a bi-annual interdisciplinary journal affiliated
with the Center for International Studies, and organized by the Yonsei University Graduate School of
International Studies in Seoul, South Korea. The YJIS welcomes submissions from all scholars,
especially graduate students and junior professors that fall within the diverse field of International
They are currently accepting submissions for the upcoming 2020 Spring/Summer issue.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday, March 2, 2020

Visit this page for more info.



Scadenza: 6 febbraio 2020

Fondazione Vodafone Hack è una maratona gratuita di 12 ore organizzata nel segno della solidarietà sociale in cui sviluppatori, designer e specialisti di marketing creano progetti per contribuire al miglioramento della vita delle persone nell’ambito della salute. La competizione si terrà l'11 febbraio. I partecipanti dovranno mettersi in gioco creando un prototipo innovativo, scalabile e tecnologico che aiuti Fondazione Vodafone a contribuire significativamente per favorire accessibilità ed inclusione sociale. Maggiori info QUI.

Scadenza: 1 febbraio 2020

Deadline: 19 January

Aprono le application per HEC Business Game! 

Il 24-25 aprile 2020 incontra leader di aziende e risolvi casi-studio con studenti da tutto il mondo a HEC Paris. Unisciti a 180 partecipanti per un weekend di divertimento creativo e costruisci un network durante un afterparty a Parigi.


Scadenza: 15 luglio 2018